When you market a product like I do, It is interesting to sit back and watch the dialogue that occurs from a simple post on Facebook.
I received a testimonial from one of my customers who had recently purchased a QOD Electric Buggy.
It was very complimentary about their new buggy ...
"I've had my QOD buggy for just on a month and I love it!! Easy to use and fits beautifully in the back of my Fiat Abarth (don't even need to fold the seat down).
First charge of the battery lasted 45 holes, just (lucky I was only playing 9 before it ran out ).
Would recommend it to anyone looking for a motorised buggy.John R, NSW"
This post drew a comment from another QOD owner who agreed with the views of the recent purchaser.
And this is where it gets interesting. Many golfers believe the MGI Navigator is the benchmark for all electric buggies. This simply occurs because they are sold in Drummonds Stores and that is where most golfers go to when making a golfing purchase.
However, it is the availability of Social Media platforms such as Facebook that allows myths such as the one above to be put under the microscope.
Is it conceivable that the QOD Electric Buggy can match the major selling points of the MGI Navigator?
Potential electric buggy purchasers now have the opportunity to ask questions of unbiased golfers such as those who own a QOD Electric Golf Buggy.
Here is how the dialogue went once a QOD owner announces they recommend the QOD Buggy ...
Another potential buggy owner also joined the conversation