The 9 Claims that MGI want you to believe.
When you list them together it is almost like a fairy tale!
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MGI CLAIM 1 : MGI motorised Caddies are the most reliable buggies. MGI has the quality control of its product because we are the manufacturers and continually strive for perfection
The facts are : MGI manufacturing was outsourced China in 2005. And as with most outsourcing projects the two main components that suffer are "quality" and "reliability". Ian’s younger brother Neil, joined MGI in 2005. In what was a milestone year, he also moved the manufacturing of frames and motors to China
The facts for QOD are : The QOD is manufactured in Sydney and is the only electric buggy in Australia to carry the “Made In Australia” logo. The Australian Made logo is a registered certification trade mark which indicates that the products which carry it have been made or grown in Australia.
MGI CLAIM 2 : MGI Caddies are the most user friendly and have the technology that makes for ease of use
The facts are : Revolving a trackball to change speed is not exactly high on the “user friendly” list.
The facts for QOD are : The QOD has + and – buttons to change speed settings from 0 to 9 PLUS a potentiometer to easily scroll to a new setting.
MGI CLAIM 3 : MGI is committed to quality of product and has service centres Australia wide, including mobile service vans
The facts are : Having a string of Service Centres including mobile service vans is an indicator of the reality of the frequency that MGI buggies break down. Having service agents fixing manufacturing defects can often lead to further issues.
The facts for QOD are : All repairs and servicing of QOD buggies is handled by the manufacturer at Artarmon in Sydney. The warranty conditions stipulate that QOD will return the buggy to the factory at their cost should the buggy not be able to fixed remotely.
MGI CLAIM 5 : When you buy a buggy from MGI you are buying a buggy that will give you many years of reliable service
The facts are : The MGI buggy you purchase will only give you the features that you purchased it with. Once you want to improve or upgrade you must throw away your existing MGI and purchase a complete new MGI at full cost.
The facts for QOD are : All new features introduced by QOD are always able to be fitted to previous QODs purchased WITHOUT exception. Examples are when the QOD Bucket Seat and 5th stabilzer wheel were introduced. An even more amazing example is that a non remote controlled QOD can be converted to a Remote Control Unit. And you only pay the difference between what you purchased the non remote unit for and the price of the remote controlled unit.
MGI CLAIM 7 : MGI’s buggies are not the cheapest, but they are the best. Can you afford to buy something less than the best? When you consider what you are going to expect from your motorised buggy, buying on price alone will only give you trouble. If it is cheap, that is what you will get
The facts are : MGI's claim that they are not the cheapest should actually read that their buggies are the most expensive. Buying the most expensive often means you are paying for the brand name and does not guarantee you getting the best.
The facts for QOD are : You will not find QOD buggies in a Drummonds store or a Pro Shop. This is based on the fact that they have higher manufacturing costs than Mgi because they are manufactured in Australia with quality Australian products. Being priced fairly prohibits stores from making the margins they insist on amd therefore they do not stock the QOD. Do not be fooled that a high price of a MGI will give you reliabilty and quality better than a QOD.
MGI CLAIM 8 : MGI invests much money annually in Australia on research and development. Its pursuit to maintain its world leadership is your gain
The facts are : MGI releases models to combat other brands and their features. Is it a coincidence in 2014 MGI releases its first 4 wheel buggy series called the QUAD series?
The facts for QOD are : The QOD Australian designers and engineers spent seven years researching, designing and refining the QOD to make your game better than ever.
And its overall impact on golfing performance and enjoyment was so powerful in 2013 that a panel of Europe’s most respected players and executives awarded the QOD Golf Electric Buggy “Product of The Year” for Innovation and design.
MGI CLAIM 9 : When you buy an MGI buggy you are buying a buggy that has evolved over many years. You gain from MGI’s commitment to ever improving its product.
The facts are : MGI's main focus seems to be focussed on putting out different models to match the designs and prices of its competitors.
The facts for QOD are : QOD's mission statement is "When you purchase a QOD you never need to purchase another buggy again!". That is because any developments of the QOD are always improvements and can always be retrofitted to any previously purchased QOD. The quality of the QOD allows you to simply upgrade your existing buggy because it never wears out. Not so with MGIs!